NYSPTA Update: 6/17/2020

Hello NYSPTA Friends,

After thorough outreach and deliberation, for the first time in nearly 30 years, the New York State Parking and Transportation Association Board of Directors has decided to cancel the annual Fall Conference and Expo scheduled for October 13th-15th in Watkins Glen, NY. This is not the outcome we had hoped for but as you are likely aware New York has been hit harder than any other region of the country. Although social and physical distancing restrictions are being eased throughout the state the financial picture remains grim for the foreseeable future. We believe each and every one of you is ready for a fun, educational, in-person event but the resources simply may not be there for your organization or yourself to support attendance. With that being said, we are planning to move forward with a number of remote events in 2020 as well as in-person events in 2021, many of which will be at a reduced or no cost to NYSPTA members.

  • Seeking Fall 2020 event ideas either remote or in-person.

  • January 2021: NYSPTA Roundtable Discussion. Location TBD

  • April 2021: NYC Spring Professional Development Workshop

  • June 2021: Summer Retreat in Syracuse, NY

  • October 2021: Fall Conference and Expo in Watkins Glen, NY.


Jason M. Jones, NYSPTA President