Dear Members and Supporters of NYSPTA,
It pleases me to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season. I have often expressed that there is something truly special about the New York State Parking and Transportation Association. That “special” thing is you! While I am extremely proud of the Association’s ability to advance its mission throughout the years (, I am mostly happy about the manner in which we do it. I refer to this group (our Association) as “special” because nowhere else will you find such a complete collection of kind, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, generous and selfless individuals. I would also be remiss if I did not share a warm, heartfelt “thank you” for your friendship and support, especially over the last two (2) years when I have served as President of the Association.
I am also truly excited about the future of the Association. It would be difficult to find a more caring and enthusiastic leader than incoming President Krista Tassa. Krista will enter 2024 with an incredible group of eleven (11) other Board Members who all share the same kindness and enthusiasm. We wish them all the very best and we are delighted to know that the Association is in great hands.
Now join me and in true NYSPTA fashion, raise a glass and toast an amazing year in retrospect, followed by another toast wishing you all a happy, safe, and healthy New Year.
Best regards,
Patrick H. Phillips
New York State Parking & Transportation Association